Why is getting a full body massage good for you?

A full-body massage–soft music, low lighting, a feeling of tranquility, that's heaven. A massage activates the nervous system; wakes up your muscles, organs, and glands; transfers blood and lymph fluid, and extracts and releases chemicals and hormones from multitudes of cells..


Surprising Advantages of Full Body Massage

1. Movement Encourages

Transfer the hands of the therapist often encourages movement and increases blood flow.

Imagine your muscles being like the sponge you use for cleaning the dishes. Blood and lymphatic fluids are squeezed out instead of soap and water flowing out when you pinch them.

Such fluids are filled with nutrients, oxygen, and cells that support the immune system. Your body lapses this fuel hungrily, causing a variety of other benefits.

2. Pain and Stiffness Relief

According to Associated Bodywork & Massage Practitioners, a full body massage will relieve pain and stiffness in the body. The massage of the whole body may release endorphins which act as a pain reliever. Often acupuncture helps in relieving migraine pain. Tired, overused or otherwise sore muscles are able to relax and soften through the massage. After a hard workout, a massage may relieve the sore muscles of an athlete, or support a sports injury.

3. It encourages muscle relaxation

The aim of massage therapy is to address the body's source of pain by removing stressed muscles, improving strength and calming both the affected muscles and the body as a whole. Massage Center Ajman also facilitates circulation to the muscles affected or injured, which increases nutrients and oxygen to the tissues damaged. This increased movement to the affected areas, in effect, decreases muscle and joint stiffness and oedema (swelling), as well as increases strength to help relieve pain. In addition, this type of therapy also activates endorphins (pain-killing hormones), which raise body levels of dopamine and serotonin. Those hormones assist the body both physically and emotionally in several ways. They encourage recovery, pain reduction, and euphoric feelings, as well as help relax the nerves, case by case.

4. Boosts energy

Research on boosts energy has shown that Thai massage can increase physical energy levels among people. One randomized trial investigated the impact of Thai and Swedish massages on fatigued people.

The technique of Thai massage is based on the notion of energy lines, or Sen. Most practitioners believe there are specific Sen or channels of energy inside the body.

Sen refers to various parts of the body, including the bones, muscles, blood, and nerves. Some Sen influence the mind and consciousness, as well. These are the Hidden Networks.

5. Breathing improved

Your massage therapist can ask you to take a deep breath at the beginning of the massage. One of the quickest ways to stress reduction is uncontrolled breathing, and your first breath on the massage table will become a sigh of relief. In addition to the diaphragm, the ribs, shoulders, and neck also have muscles that assist in breathing.